19 Jun 2012 Make your editor chmod +x when you create a .pl file since you know you will want to run it. There are three non-deprecated ways of doing exceptions in Perl. code. eval is a statement not a block so requires a semicolon after it. Sometimes there will be a post with lots of MP3s for download, like this
The Server-Sent Events EventSource API is standardized as part of HTML5 by the W3C. Tornado is a scalable, non-blocking web server and web application framework written in Python. It was developed for use by FriendFeed; the company was acquired by Facebook in 2009 and Tornado was open-sourced soon after. The Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) is an open-source, Perl based, platform-independent transparent SMTP proxy server. An Async/Await implementation for Mojolicious [security] Fixed case SEC-484: Limited file read as root via EXIM virtual_user_spam router. The scan will now report when an invalid Selenium script is used as an import file Deprecated! Use Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess instead. Contribute to jberger/Mojo-IOLoop-ForkCall development by creating an account on GitHub.
Mojolicious :heart: PostgreSQL. Contribute to mojolicious/mojo-pg development by creating an account on GitHub. Mojolicious and Async Mysql. Contribute to jhthorsen/mojo-mysql development by creating an account on GitHub. Render XRD documents with Mojolicious. Contribute to Akron/Mojolicious-Plugin-XRD development by creating an account on GitHub. Mojolicious::Plugin::FeedReader - Mojolicious plugin to find and parse RSS & Atom feeds - dotandimet/Mojolicious-Plugin-FeedReader Real-time web framework # Mock web service $ua->server->app(Mojolicious->new); $ua->server->app->routes->get('/time' => sub { my $c = shift; $c->render(json => {now => time}); }); my $time = $ua->get('/time')->result->json->{now}; # Change log level $ua->server…
UserAgent with caching, failover, abilities for overriding request,read local files and more. - startsiden/startsiden-useragent A client for talking to an Open API powered server - jhthorsen/openapi-client "Page tagging" and counter are also supported if you do not have logfiles access. The output is spread over HTML pages, with graphics and a sortable table. The use of program resources like memory size, file descriptors, disk usage and creation of subprocesses is controlled. Large mail messages are not kept in memory, so the available memory size does not impose a limit on the size of mail… Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB driver Other exciting developments include running as a standalone daemon with Mojolicious and the multitude of user experience enhancements by BugzillaUX in the pipeline make the future look bright! Fix mishandling of trailing / in directory name given to "create-buildpack" causing use of file name consisting of only an extension, and breaking the upload.
CPAN’s Net::WebSocket. Contribute to FGasper/p5-Net-WebSocket development by creating an account on GitHub.
One possible issue that was pointed out by a fellow user was that I was using regular open("" , 'w') to write to files in my co-routine and that this might be a blocking piece of code. So my question is, is there a way to do non-blocking file IO in Tornado? I couldn't find anything in my research that fit my needs. The guides cover most aspects of using the framework and the components have comprehensive reference documentation. Mojolicious is a real-time web framework, which allows a new class of web applications using WebSockets and having long-running requests without blocking. The mojocasts have thus far used lite apps exclusively to demonstrate basic Mojolicious functionality. This has led some to believe that Mojolicious is a one-file micro-framework; however, that is not the case. Mojolicious a full-featured framework, supporting what some would call Catalyst-level deployments, in addition to one-file simple applications. Download perl-Mojolicious-8.11-x86_64-1_slonly.txz for Slackware 14.2 from Slackonly repository. Download perl-Mojolicious-8.11-x86_64-1_slonly.txz for Slackware 14.2 from Slackonly repository. Mojolicious::Plugin::CGI plugin enables Mojolicious to run Perl CGI scripts. It does so by forking a new process with a modified environment and reads the STDOUT in a non-blocking manner. It does so by forking a new process with a modified environment and reads the STDOUT in a non-blocking manner.