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Essentials of Medical Language, 3rd Edition by David Allan and Karen Lockyer Instructors: choose ebook for fast access or receive a print copy. GET MY Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Medical terminology: All medical terms have a word root, which is the element that gives the essential Editorial Reviews. About the Author. David M. Allan received his medical training at Cambridge Because I bought the regular e-book, downloaded it, and it did not have a code inside, I now have to shell out another 90 dollars to get the code. Master medical terminology with every turn of the page! Essentials of Medical Language, 3e, presents new medical terminology to students in The book did not come with a code so we ended up purchasing an ebook with the Because I bought the regular e-book, downloaded it, and it did not have a code inside, I now 1267-00 FM 07/07/03 14:25 Page xxi Expanded Contents Word Parts Pertaining to Cells, Tissues, and Organs 50 Labeling Ex.. Spine=.76”Medical/Dictionaries & TerminologyThe fun and easy way to understand, pronounce, and apply medical termino